BISP Plans To Provide Best Smartphones To Female Beneficiaries 2024
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BISP Plans To Provide Best Smartphones To Female Beneficiaries 2024

The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) has announced plans to distribute smartphones to its female beneficiaries. This initiative aims to bridge the digital divide, empower women economically, and improve their overall quality of life by providing them with access to technology and online resources.

BISP Female Beneficiaries to Get Smartphones

The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), Pakistan’s flagship social safety net, has announced plans to provide smartphones to its female beneficiaries. This initiative aims to bridge the digital divide, empower women economically, and enhance their overall quality of life. By equipping women with smartphones and internet access, BISP hopes to facilitate their participation in online marketplaces, educational resources, and government services, ultimately fostering their economic independence and social inclusion.


  • Digital Inclusion: To ensure that BISP beneficiaries have access to modern technology and can participate fully in the digital age.
  • Economic Empowerment: To equip women with the tools necessary to access online marketplaces, educational resources, and financial services, thereby boosting their economic prospects.
  • Social Inclusion: To facilitate women’s participation in online communities, social networks, and government services, fostering social inclusion and reducing isolation.
  • Education and Skill Development: To provide women with opportunities to access online educational resources, learn new skills, and improve their employability.

Benazir Income Support Program Provides Benefits

BISP chairperson Rubina Khalid had a meeting with a delegation from JazzCash mobile wallet on Monday to discuss different aspects of the initiative. During the meeting, the JazzCash team gave a presentation about potential initiatives for collaboration. The BISP officials urged the JazzCash team to develop a detailed implementation plan for the digital empowerment of its beneficiaries.

According to Ms Khalid, the president and prime minister have directed her to take steps to ensure transparency in the payment transfer system and facilitate the beneficiaries.

She highlighted that digital empowerment through smartphones is vital for bridging the communication gap between BISP and its beneficiaries, enabling them to be fully aware of their rights and reducing the risk of fraud. The chairperson reiterated the BISP’s commitment to improving the lives of its beneficiaries by offering market-driven skill training.


Key Features:

  • Smartphone Distribution: BISP will distribute smartphones to eligible female beneficiaries, ensuring that they have the necessary hardware to connect to the internet.
  • Data Packages: To facilitate internet usage, BISP will likely provide subsidized or free data packages to its beneficiaries.
  • Digital Literacy Training: To maximize the benefits of smartphone ownership, BISP will offer digital literacy training programs to help women learn how to use their devices effectively.
  • Online Services: BISP will integrate its services with the smartphones, allowing beneficiaries to access their benefits, update their information, and interact with the program through their devices.

Expected Impact:

  • Improved Access to Information: Smartphones will provide women with access to a vast array of information, including news, weather updates, health advice, and government services.
  • Enhanced Economic Opportunities: By connecting women to online marketplaces and financial services, smartphones can help them generate income, save money, and improve their financial well-being.
  • Social Empowerment: Access to smartphones can facilitate women’s participation in online communities, social networks, and support groups, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.
  • Educational Advancement: Smartphones can provide women with opportunities to continue their education, learn new skills, and improve their job prospects.

The BISP smartphone initiative is a significant step towards empowering women in Pakistan and bridging the digital divide. By providing women with access to technology, BISP is helping to create a more equitable and inclusive society. Senator Rubina Khalid, Chairperson of BISP, had met with a JazzCash delegation at the BISP Headquarters in Islamabad to discuss making the financial assistance process more transparent and efficient through smartphone distribution.

IBSP smartphones

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